As we progress over the next few months into this Spring market we will be better able to review sales statistics to see if we truly are starting to rebound however, the research I have done based on the first six weeks of this year are promising. Based on data from our Bagnell Dam Association of REALTORS Multiple Listing System comparing the time frames of January 1 thru February 15 of each year from 2002 to the present, I am seeing an upward trend in the number of homes sold, the total sales volume and an increase in the upper range of sales prices.
This chart lays out the numbers of homes sold, average sales price, range of sales prices and the total volume of sales dollars.
The next 30 days will be the strongest indicator as to whether we are starting to get back on track (or if perhaps we should get off the track in case this light I’m seeing is another train). I personally have had more business in the first six weeks of 2011 than I had the last six months of 2010.
On another positive note in my life, Karen and I were fortunate to be able to sell our personal home in The Villages at Shawnee Bend during this tough market. We moved in February to another property we own on Horseshoe Bend. We had just sold another home we owned in Osage Beach the end of last year so we are breathing a lot easier. As we’ve done in the past, we’d like to purchase another lot and build again but plan to spend at least the next year concentrating on taking our real estate business to the next level, making time for family and friends and hopefully for some personal enjoyment and relaxation.
If you would like a detailed sales report on your specific property type or neighborhood, or would like information on the best buys at the lake, contact C. Michael Elliott & Associates at 866.Your.Lake or cme@yourlake.com View thousands of lake area listings at www.YourLake.com. You can also log your opinions on Michael’s real estate blog, www.AsTheLakeChurns.com